...and we still love you!
We have had so much fun stuff going on around here of late that it has left little time for blogging about it. So I thought I would put together a little list of the things I want to share from the past few weeks and it can serve as a quasi checklist for me!!
So in no particular order the things that will be coming your way (in the hopefully not too distant future) are:
1). NYC Baby...the surprise wedding and all things fabulous!
2). Our reception invitations to a post wedding party in Brisbane (for all of the family and friends that couldn't make it to NY),
3). A knotty Noosa engagement invitation,
4). A colorful wedding invitation to what is sure to be a raucous good time,
5). The gorgeous invitations that my talented sister in law made for my post wedding hens night,
6). A few photos from said hens night...can't give too many inside secrets away!
7). Brisbane reception photos,
8). And, believe it or not, an elegant sports themed wedding!
So my new, New Years resolution (you can make them after New Years right?!) is to get back into posting most weekdays...please try to hold me to that! But for now enjoy these sneak peek photos of what's instore...